Why You Should Buy Extinguishers From A Fire Safety Company

Why You Should Buy Extinguishers From A Fire Safety Company - pslfireandsafety.co.nz
Customers sometimes ask us why they should buy fire extinguishers and smoke alarms from PSL Fire & Safety rather than from a general retail store. Regarding the safety of your home and family, I trust a company that specialises and has expertise in fire safety products over a general sell-all company. ( I might also look at their Google reviews, of which we have 362 5-star reviews at the time of writing)


The following example makes this point perfectly....

Many companies use the term "General Purpose Fire Extinguisher" on their packaging and when describing the product online.

The use of the term "General Purpose" is not allowed in this situation under the AS/NZS1841.1:2007 standard.

Without delving too far into the technical field, I know our Fire Suppression Manager loves to get into it. Dry Powder Fire extinguishers are made to suppress specific classes of Fire categorised as class A, B or E. They are NOT approved to suppress class F type fires (involving cooking oil of fat fires)

Advertising—selling these extinguishers as "General Purpose" breaks the AS/NZS1841.1:2007 standard and commits an offence under the Fair Trading Act, which prohibits false or misleading information/behaviour.

So why am I bringing this up? Well, to go back to my original answer to some customer inquiries, this highlights the difference between products sold by professional, experienced fire safety companies who employ experts in the field and other general retail companies. While these products appear cheaper, can you trust the product or advice. 

PSL Fire & Safety Imports directly from suppliers. We oversee the certification, label design, and packaging. We check every part of the production process to ensure the product meets the standards. When a container of extinguishers arrives in the country, a third-party Hazardous Substances Consultant checks them to ensure they meet the standard. This enables us to confidently say that we have the best products in the New Zealand market.