Firemaster Round Thread to Storz Adaptors -
Firemaster Round Thread to Storz Adaptors -

Firemaster Round Thread to Storz Adaptors

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PSL offer 3 light alloy round thread to Storz adaptors. These adaptors are ideal for connecting any pump/appliance with a 100mm FRT suction inlet to a suction hose fitted with either a 100mm or 75mm storz coupling or vice versa.

Standard Sizes
100mm FRT x 75mm (3”) Storz – Fixed (SKU:60102)
100mm FRT x 100mm (4”) Storz – Fixed (SKU:60100)
100mm MRT x 100mm (4”) Storz – Fixed (SKU:60099)

SKU: 60099

SKU: 60100

SKU: 60102

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